Monday, February 26, 2007

Byron King on Shell's Hofmeister and Peak Oil

Byron King has a long article about Big Oil's stance on the Peak Oil Theory at Energy Bulletin:

The critics focus on the point that the Peak Oil concept focuses on conventional oil, and does not take into account other hydrocarbon alternatives. Well, yes, after a fashion. Peak Oil is, and always has been, about “conventional oil” recovery. The discovery and recovery of conventional oil has been occurring for about 150 years, since 1859, when Col. Edwin Drake pounded down his famous well at Titusville. When former Shell geologist M. King Hubbert first articulated the Peak Oil concept in the 1950s, conventional oil was the whole ballgame. And the world is now at the point at which conventional oil extraction is a more or less flat, at a production rate of something over 80 million barrels per day (mbd), with the balance in natural gas liquids and other
energy fluids.

Mr. King makes some excellent points, but he could use some brushing up on the differences(particularly in numbers) between "conventional" crude and NGLs.